Physical Therapy

The professional education of a physical therapist is obtained at a School of Physical Therapy. The favored degree is the Master's in Physical Therapy, which is usually a two-year program. Some schools do offer a Bachelor's degree. A state licensure examination is required.

Prior to admittance to physical therapy school, you must complete the "prerequisites," a set of courses in science and communications required by that school. For a complete list of physical therapy schools and their prerequisites, consult the following:

Physical Therapy Resources

For information on the publication described above or other publications related to physical therapy schools, Magazine of Physical Therapy and other journals, membership in the American Physical Therapy Association, government and legislative affairs, and career opportunities, contact

To check out an interesting set of digitized images of complete human male and female cadavers, contact

For information about the physical therapy profession, news, jobs, events, and consumer health tips, contact