Mary Tillman, mother of former NFL player and Army Ranger, Pat Tillman was a guest of the CSSJ and spoke November 18, 2013 on campus.  Mary Tillman discussed her son’s death by “friendly fire” in Afghanistan in 2004 and her attempts to seek the truth about the specifics of Pat’s death in the decade since. 

In the days, months, and even years after he was killed, others have used the tragedy to perpetuate inaccuracies and untruths about Pat and the circumstances of his death. Mary Tillman discussed her efforts to use Pat’s story as a way to help other military personnel and their families who share similar experiences.

“What a courageous and tremendous lady! The sheer intensity of her presence was emotional and moving for me and something I will never forget.” - Melanie Braggs, Administrative Support Staff Member, CSU East Bay